Some cops were cool others were power-hungry racists. To him, it was all black and white, so to speak. Ice-T may have seen the writing on the wall back in ’92, but he admits he didn’t grasp the complexity of the situation. I don’t want cops to be out there trigger-happy.” Maybe I’ve been vindicated, but I don’t want to be vindicated. Twenty-five years later, we’re still dealing with the same bulls***. “But I was saying, ‘If you keep going in this direction, then this potentially could happen.’ And I was proven right. “When I wrote ‘Cop Killer,’ people weren’t actually killing cops,” says Ice-T - who is releasing a sixth album with Body Count, Bloodlust, this week on what also happens to be the 25th anniversary of the band’s notorious debut LP. And 64 cops have also been killed in the line of duty - 25 of them murdered in “ambush-style shootings,” reports NPR. Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Keith Scott, Alton Sterling, and Philando Castile are just a few of the more publicized cases, but in 2016 alone more than 250 black people were killed by police officers in America, according to the Guardian.

Over the past five years, numerous young black men, some of whom were unarmed or seemed to pose no threat, have been killed by policemen. Riddhi Shah is an editorial fellow at Salon.Body Count photo courtesy of Century Media Records.Ī quarter-century after rapper-actor Ice-T stirred up controversy with his metal band Body Count’s signature song, “Cop Killer,” police brutality is in the public eye more than ever. But it's a shame to watch a generation of males latch on to it like the next beer pong. Of course, college fraternities inventing a ridiculous game that smacks of misogyny is hardly surprising. Some Ices get nestled between the breasts of strippers, whole bachelorette parties have been mobilized surely there's a twin fantasy in there somewhere, etc. we iced one of our other friends by putting the ice under her boobs and she walked out of the bathroom and put her boobs in his face," says an enthusiastic participant on. "BOOM! YOU JUST GOT ICED TAKE A KNEE AND SUCK IT DOWN YOU DIRTY GIRL," says yet another comment. Add to this the fact that a bro must go down on one knee while drinking an Ice, and the stage is set for an avalanche of sexist catcalls every time someone gets iced. Any bro would want to chug a beer, but chugging a smirnoff ice is the ultimate slap in the face," says another commenter (reminding us that misogyny and homophobia are often bedfellows). You have to chug a fag drink in front of all your bro's. No one wants to chug a fucking smirnoff ice because its for fags. The game's premise - the thing that is cracking up all those men with popped collars - is the assumption that Smirnoff Ice is a "pussy" drink. "No … anything with a vagina may not be included in icing," says one comment on the website.

What hasn't been remarked on in all that press, however, is the misogyny inherent in the game.

Bros Icing Bros' Facebook page has more than 19,000 fans, it's been written about by major media outlets and has even spread to Wall Street, including firms like Goldman Sachs, Raymond James and D.E. In two short months, though, the game has gone viral. The game's origins are shrouded in mystery – some say it started at fraternities in South Carolina, others say it all began at Saint Lawrence University. Laugh as the "iced" bro goes down on one knee and chugs the entire 24-ounce bottle. Present one to a "bro" in an unexpected location (handing it to him at work, say, or hiding one in the mailbox). The rules are simple: Buy a few fruit-flavored Smirnoff Ices. It's called Bros Icing Bros, and it's slowly taking over the nation - well, Facebook anyway. A new sport has emerged from that hothouse of juvenile drinking games known as the fraternity.